Nuevo Vallarta fishing report April

The April Nuevo Vallarta fishing report looks very similar to the March fishing report. There will be some major changes that will see in the month of April. There will be warmer water, more fish, thermoclines, and a lot more bait in the water. When you start seeing more bait in the water, such as sardines, mullet, macarella, goggle-eye, and bonita this only means one thing. The spring fishing is going to be epic. The big marlin, tuna, sailfish, and mahi-mahi will start moving into the Nayarit area.  sailfish in Nuevo Vallarta
The warmth of the water brings in all these different kinds of bait that I listed above. And then if you’ve been reading my reports over the years you know when you find the bait you will find the fish. Being on the right fishing spot at the right time is the secret to successful fishing trips.  nuevo vallarta reef fishing
The perfect equation to any fishing trip is fantastic weather which we have plenty of, beautiful blue water, which happens in April, excellent water temperatures, and an abundance of bait. The fish will always be where the bait is, so that’s one of the signs that we look for on a daily basis.
If you’re looking for the perfect recipe for a fishing trip give us a call toll-free before coming down. After so many years of taking thousands of people out each year, we have many options. Take a look here to see some of the options.
One of the big questions we always get enabled is where are we gonna fish and what are we gonna catch.
Well, the truth of the matter is the fish move around a lot and it’s hard to predict what we’re gonna catch and where we’re gonna catch the fish. We did this a long time here in Nuevo Vallarta and we have all the moon phases, the tide charts, surface temperatures, and water clarity to help us find fish. with afishing for tuna in  Nuevo Vallartall the information we have these fish still can’t read and sometimes can fool even the best fisherman in the world.
To see what we’ve been doing on a daily basis and some of our catches take a look at Facebook we try to keep the Facebook page up-to-date with all the different fish that we’re catching and so you’ll have a good idea before coming down what the action is like here in the beautiful Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
Not sure which one of our boats to book just give us a call toll-free 800 430 6048 and we’ll be more than happy to explain all the different options. We have an English-speaking person that answers our calls and so no question is too silly to ask We actually encourage our clients to call us before coming down and to answer any questions they might have about fishing or other related Areas here in the beautiful Nuevo Vallarta.
You can also take a look at our calendar it will give you a good idea of what we’ve been catching the last few days and what you can expect to catch why you guys are here Click here to take a look
Hope to see everybody out there in the water and tight lines
Captain Paul and crew

see the Puerto Vallarta fishing report
