August is here and all the fish decided to come to the party. The sailfish action is at is best. The last few days we caught 20 sailfish and released most of them. Read more on august 2017 fishing report.

Marlin fishing Mexico

The dorado fishing was great some days and then seemed to cool off a little and then bam they were back. One day last week we could not keep them off the lines.

puerto vallarta fishing charters

Offshore fishing

The marlin have been taking live baits, lures and of course trolled baits about 10 M.N. miles offshore of Punta Mita.
The water temp. has gone down a few degs. but is still holding around 80 deg. The water clarity is dark blue and holding a lot of fish.

August 2017 Fishing Report

Overall the fishing could not be better.  Come on down and wet a line with us or send me an email at

For info on Puerto Vallarta fishing check

Contact us for any doubt you may have about.

You can book your fishing trip here.

local tel: 22 10920

toll-free 800 4306048

Captain Paul and Crews

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